History and Milestones

The Dayton Healthcare environment, through the leadership of area hospital chief executive officers and the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association (GDAHA), has enjoyed an extraordinary spirit of collaboration in areas of non-competitive activities to the benefit of the greater Dayton area. In addition, the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine (WSUBSOM) has encouraged an interactive, integrated participatory graduate medical education (GME) system since the school's inception in 1975.

Against this backdrop, the origins of the consortium can be traced back to WSUBSOM Resident Education Committee (REC) meeting deliberations in the early 1990s that provided a forum and atmosphere, encouraging collaboration amongst the School of Medicine and teaching medical centers in Dayton. During the National Healthcare Reform debate of 1993-94 there was increased support for the consortia concept in federal legislation such as the Kassebaum/Simpson S1215 bill and the Chaffee/Dole S1770 bill. The Council on Graduate Medical Education (COGME), formed to advise the Congress and the Department of Health and Human Services on GME matters, was also publicly supporting the development of consortia in this same time period. In summary, the national, state, and local conditions leading to the establishment of a consortium in Dayton were very positive.

As a result of the leadership of a small core planning group of four directors of medical education, listed below, and a larger group consisting of all directors of medical education, key faculty, and program directors, the development of the philosophical and organizational structure for a Dayton area consortium was begun:

A series of GME forums were held starting in 1993 with a discussion of GME financial and organizational reform with guest speakers from the Association of American Medical Colleges, Deloitte & Touche LLP, and COGME. From this series of meetings a justification and structure for a Dayton consortium was developed.

During 1995, a series of presentations were made by the core planning group to teaching medical center CEOs and the dean of Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine on the benefits of establishing a GME consortium and a proposed structure for this consortia. These presentations were favorably received and each CEO was provided an inter-institutional agreement for legal review.

At this time the Mr. Joseph Krella, president of the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association, was approached and asked for his support of the professional staff office. Mr. Krella agreed and immediately made arrangements for support.

With all of the institutions in agreement and the basic management issues resolved, the consortium was ready to begin operations. A proposal to establish the Dayton Area Graduate Medical Education Consortium was made and approved at the November 20, 1995 Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association board meeting. At this meeting, the CEOs approved the formation of the consortium and funded the consortium for one year.

DAGMEC formally began operations on January 1, 1996. An inter-institutional agreement was signed by the below listed hospitals, establishing the initial governance structure for the consortium and thereby culminating several years of effort on the part of Dayton-area hospital cDirectors of medical education to create a more collaborative GME environment.

Original Member Institutions:



Key Milestones following the approval to establish the consortium are outlined below:

The following work groups were chartered by the Operations Committee on March 29, 1996:

    1. Governance
    2. Strategic Planning/Executive Committee
    3. Primary Care and Ambulatory Care
    4. Quality Assessment/Evaluation
    5. Community Relations and Continuing Medical Education
    6. Government Education Affairs/Relations
    7. Academic and Curricular Planning
    8. Research
    9. Finance


Dayton Area Graduate Medical Education Community

Randy J. Woods, M.D., FACS
Associate Dean, Graduate Medical Education, DIO

Boonshoft School of Medicine
Wright State University
3640 Colonel Glenn Highway
Dayton, OH 45435-0001


Lisa Boydston
Fax: 937.245.7955
E-mail: lisa.boydston@wspi.org

Taunia Robinson
E-mail: dagmec@wright.edu


Wright State Physicians
725 University Boulevard
Fairborn, OH 45324
Directions and Map (PDF)